Monday, November 28, 2022

I can't believe Test of the Stars is two!

 In honor of Test of the Stars entering the terrible twos, I posted this video on my Youtube.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Black Friday Through Cyber Monday Sale

Today through Cyber Monday, these three books are free:

Deadlock (book 1):

THEY (book 1) :

Smoke Screen (Castling book 1):

For other free or $0.99 books go here:

Monday, November 7, 2022

Oddity on Kindle Vella


This is just an announcement to let you know that my book: Oddity is going to be only Kindle Vella, with a chapter publishing once a week (after I put up the first three up, which will be able free to read). 

If you want to check it out here's a link:

Sale! 11/28-12/02/2024

  Free: Oddity (Guardian Book 1) Smoke Screen (Castling Book 1) Deadlock (Deadlock Book 1) THEY (THEY Book 1) Minor Detail (A Typical Book 1...