Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Attention agents, the mission file from Agent G-Force: Night Crier has been declassified.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

For those of you who have read my books, who are some side characters you'd like to read a short story about? Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Favorite Quotes


Hey, AKA Simon Lee fans! In celebration of the fact that it's only 80 days until the release of 'Deadlock', I decided I would ask you what your favorite quotes from the AKA Simon Lee series are? Let me know in the comments below! 

I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Character Profile: Ella Morris Book: They Call Her Ella

Image by Marielou Lolilop from Pixabay 

Name: Ella Morris
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality: German (formerly), American (formerly), Current unknown
Occupation: Operative for the Grimily family,
Known Aliases: Agent 428.
Skill sets: Unknown, but may include: Influencer, acting, stealth, and hand-to-hand combat.
Crazy Facts: Favorite color is blue, hates the dentist, and has a fear of fire. 

Miss Morris is believed to be the deceased Ambassador Dautzenberg's Daughter 'Winter', who (until more information came to light) was believed to have died ten years ago, in the fire that took the lives of Ambassador Dautzenberg and his wife (Frieda Wagner). For more information about the Ambassador's only known living heir to file: Agent D.

With Agent Sheldon’s fate still uncertain, Lever’s once again reminded that life doesn’t give out breaks, nor does it ever seem to give him ...